Wednesday, June 26, 2013

once again, att sucks, yahoo too

and once again, ATT took an afternoon out of my life... a whole afternoon... almost eight full hours... searching the web, waiting on the phone for support that refused to help because just as they deleted websites i worked on for years without warning, they shut down their internet service and emails i had for years became free emails with no phone tech support... but they just merged with yahoo once again and that screwed up all of the free email addresses so they need to provide some support for the change-over... and after searching the websites and following instructions for old problems, i found a chat link and a support rep walked me through the website to the ways to fix the accounts... it required a whole lot of jumping through hoops and repetitive logging in and out and in and out and providing way more information that i want to give (so i make it up... i mean, do you give your real birth dates and other information in online profiles?... hope not), but i finally got the two addresses to work... the other two did not fail, yet... they will probably be migrated over to yahoo and take another few hours to fix some other day...

and then i had to create new accounts in my email client, twice, and finally... i think it's working... we shall see if something doesn't go wrong later or somewhere down the road...

would it have been so impossible to have updated the help pages and support pages before the migration... the last time this happened, i could not log into my yahoo accounts because the att accounts overruled them... had to drop out of the fantasy sports i enjoyed for many years... no support, no help... somehow, a year later i was able to log back into my yahoo account, which is not my original yahoo account because that was corrupted by yahoo and they "could not fix it so just open a new account" and lose all contacts, history, games, and so on and start over from scratch...

not a good customer experience from either of them, and now they work together... figures...


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