Monday, August 29, 2011

google plus minus me

google plus is really ticking me off... i keep clicking on links that take me to a page that someone talking to me online on facebook or somewhere referred me to and find myself on google plus, only i can't do anything there because i am not a google plus approved member or whatever it takes to get in there and it's wasting my time...

whenever google plus does open their doors to me, i might go in, but this bad taste in my mouth will go with me...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

u.s. politics

philosophically there is a difference between the parties, but actions override philosophy and ideals and the actions of the u.s. government over the past thirty years have been hawkish, aggressive, greedy, and bent on world-domination... sheepskin does not change the wolf... we elect politicians, but business interests control them regardless of party affiliation... especially at the top... until we unite against the real enemy, greed and the fear-mongering and divisive finger-pointing that distracts from the greed, we will, just as many empires have before us, continue as a nation down the path of self-destruction from within...

Monday, August 8, 2011

beware of groupon

that is groupon, a good idea but a website and company that is not to be trusted because they secretly install something on your computer that creates links on your web pages that create pop-ups advertising the groupons... very not right... and the virus software and windows software and all the protections on this new computer didn't stop it... very sneaky...

it took me a while to figure out why my web pages, even my personal web pages, were altered... hopefully it is not viable from other computers because using my personal web pages to advertise their site would be very unethical... and should be illegal...

if you check out their site, which is a good idea, make sure you email their support people first to find out how not to become a shill for their business without knowing...