Saturday, August 3, 2013

johnny football

i heard somebody say in passing what do you expect from texas a&m?... and the allusion seemed to refer to the current level of education, awareness, and mindset prevalent in texas these days where you have grown men, professional politicians, doing everything they can to return social conditions to pre-1950s levels... another related comment, "the cancer of the narrow religious mindset seems to be firmly ensconced in texas", relates to the quotes and comments attributed to leaders in that lone star state over the last few years... freedom and constitutional rights seem to be the last thing texans are ready to fight for... attacking anyone who is not conforming to a very small mindset seems to be the way of texas leadership today, but then, texas is the state that gave power to one of the most inept and manipulated presidents of all time, after all, so the path the state has been on can be seen for decades... it is clear that any person of good sense and open mind does not want to be a woman, a minority, or a logical, rational human being in texas these days... they just seem to love to tear people down as is the way with the insecure ego that feeds paranoids and power-mad cultures...

but texas is just the best representative of what is worst about the usa these days, the fear-based mentality that is eating away at the greatness of the greatest experiment in human freedom and equality the world has ever known... so it is no surprise that a college kid who excelled earlier in his youth than most was ripe for attack no matter what he did in texas... as if going to parties, drinking alcohol, and having fun acting out in rebellious ways is not something george bush junior or most college kids did... as if conformity and sitting in the dark at home at a computer screen or watching tv was the only way to be viewed as a good person... conform, make no waves, kiss the right asses, and follow the fear-driven rules of religious social behavior or be hounded by media as a pariah... like a bloody car accident, the people will gather to gawk at the buzzards that pick at your bones...

human nature?... if it is, then humans are the cancer destroying itself and the planet as many suggest... the only hope for humanity is if the narrow-minded fear-based paranoid and attraction to decay and tragedy that dominates the culture today is not the core of human nature... and the love of neighbor, good samaritan, and universal brotherhood concepts so obscured and ignored by most humans today actually forms the real human nature someday...

be real, johnny, be yourself... enjoy your life...

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