Friday, January 1, 2010

social status

so i'm flipping through tv stations and find there is a movement in florida to create county level council on the social status of black men and boys meeting in the office of the attorney general in orlando, florida... have we made any real mind-set or perspective progress since the civil war in the south?...

a group who's mission is to look for and point fingers, look for weaknesses, and shout unfair for black men and boys?... is this legitimate affirmative action (affirm is a positive term, right?) or is it a veiled way of castrating men and boys in and of itself?... is the perspective to pity and organize people to help black men and boys because they can't effectively take care of themselves?...

people are so tied up in social status, so in love with the victim mindset, so kind to similarities and opportunities to bridges gaps and come together, so comfortable with segregation and pity parties and pointing fingers... so what we've got is a group of mostly very overweight people trying to find money (and justification to get the money) from government (taxes) to get some excitement going to organize local groups with a purpose of studying the social status of black men and boys...

the chairperson of this council is the Director, Office of Supplier Diversity, Department of management Services... is this bureacracy gone made or a real need seeking a real solution for a real problem?... perhaps the underlying source of the concerns is the very attitude that black men and boys need local government groups to promote their social status, inherently setting black men and boys apart as inferior and "needing help" based solely on race and gender...

not racism?...

i wish people would stop judging people based soley on race or gender... but that is the culture we live in and the people in power support it because it keeps the majority of people in divided social groups feeling needy with a hand out for help instead of empowered and united as human beings...


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