Monday, November 12, 2012

brighthouse continues to suck

so after a wonderful day out playing softball with friends and a wonderful evening home enjoying dinner with friends i decide to give up sleep tonight to watch something i was looking forward to for weeks, a 10 year reunion show for firefly and five minutes into the show for reasons only the intrusive people and computers at brighthouse know, the cable box turns off and goes into some sort of countdown followed by another countdown followed by a reboot and twenty minutes later i am still wondering why i don't just cancel this crap brighthouse service because the show will not go on...

so i will not get back the time or sleep i gave up tonight and i still do not get to watch the show i wanted to watch and brigthouse still charges more than they charged last year for service that gets worse every month... yes, besides exploring alternbative tv services and in spite of offers to help which do nothing to stop the deteriorating service and continuing service interruptions... in fact just it continues to get worse... i started keeping track and the current stats are:

brighthouse digital hd cable tv (table updated 12/14/12, still trending downward):
working perfectly
working adequately
not working properly
not working at all
0% of the time

0% of the time

90% of the time

10% of the time

no problems

delays, box/channels reset occasionally, software does not adjust aspect ratio and picture size automatically
sound does not go on at start, box resets/blinks every 60 seconds, aspect ratio and picture size are off box/channel resets every 10-15 seconds or other issue requires reboot, call to tech support, or visit


  1. Hello,

    My name is Gary and I work for Bright House Networks. The experience you describe above should not be happening. Please allow me to me directly at and I'll get right on it.

    Thank you,


  2. Gary,

    here is where you can start to satisfy this customer...

    Until we are talking about compensating me for my time working to fix Brighthouse equipment or service at a fair wage, I am giving Brighthouse no more of my time.

    I've wasted way too much time with too many CSRs and Techs at Brighthouse. The list of things that have gone wrong is too long to get into. I've spent dozens of hours on the phone with Brighthouse on my dime. I've had way too many home visits from Brighthouse Techs without satisfaction. I've had boxes switched out several times and am not giving Brighthouse any more of my time without payment. I will continue to document what I have to do to get at least part of the service I am paying for. Every time, it is something I must do to fix something new.

    I resent paying for a service that does not work and resent even more having to spend time fixing things for Brighthouse when I am not on your payroll. I reboot the box too often to get unsatisfactory service and ignore the poor quality until it becomes impossible to ignore and must reboot again. If I watched more TV I'd get another service. I keep Brighthouse for the internet and others who watch TV now and then.

    I have explained this to every CSR and Tech who has contacted me. After dozens of repetitive and unsuccessful interactions with Brighthouse, I have started keeping track here in this blog. Instead of addressing me, all I see is another Brighthouse employee who wants me to start from scratch explaining what I have explained dozens of times. That is disrespect.

    Read the service record for my account, dozens of interactions have been documented according to Brighthouse people. Most of the same issues are happening. If Brighthouse will pay me for my time, I will consider working with yet another Brighthouse person who might have a solution.

    Repeating one more time: here is where you can start to satisfy this customer...

    Until we are talking about compensating me for my time while I am working to fix Brighthouse equipment or service at a fair wage, I am giving Brighthouse no more of my time.
